Uneha ICT 应用

Digital india 2.1
Uneha ICT
Digital India[1][2] is an initiative ofGovernment of India to integrate the government departments and thepeople of India. It aims at ensuring the government services aremade available to citizens electronically by reducing paperwork.The initiative also includes plan to connect rural areas withhigh-speed internet networks. Digital India has three corecomponents. These include:[3]The creation of digital infrastructure inDelivering services digitallyDigital literacy.The project is slated for completion by 2019. A two-way platformwill be created where both the service providers and the consumersstand to benefit. The scheme will be monitored and controlled bythe Digital India Advisory group which will be chaired by theMinistry of Communications and IT. It will be an inter-ministerialinitiative where all ministries and departments shall offer theirown services to the public Healthcare, Education, Judicial servicesetc. The Public-private-partnership model shall be adoptedselectively. In addition, there are plans to restructure theNational Informatics Centre. This project is one among the toppriority projects of the Modi Administration.The initiative is commendable and deserves full support of allstakeholders. However, the initiative also lacks many crucialcomponents including lack of legal framework, absence of privacy[4] and data protection laws,[5] civil liberties abusepossibilities,[6] lack of parliamentary oversight fore-surveillance in India,[7] lack of intelligence related reforms inIndia,[8] insecure Indian cyberspace,[9] etc. These issues have tobe managed first before introducing DI initiative in India. DigitalIndia project is worth exploring and implementation despite itsshortcomings that can be rectified before itsimplementation.[10]
Uneha ICT
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi(AIIMS Delhi) is a medical college and medical research publicuniversity based in New Delhi, India. The Institute was establishedin 1956 and operates autonomously under the Ministry of Health andFamily Welfare.
Telangana power SOUTH 0.2
Uneha ICT
With its headquarters at Hyderabad, theTSSPDCL encompasses an area of five districts viz., Mahaboobnagar,Nalgonda, Medak and Rangareddy, Catering to the power requirementsof 8 million consumers.TSSPDCL has a vast infrastructure facility in its operating areawith 1,338 Nos. of 33/11 KV substations, 2,039 Nos. of powertransformers, 720 Nos. of 33 KV feeders, 5,257 Nos. of 11 KVfeeders and around 2,46,426 Nos. of distribution transformers ofvarious capacities.A number of new initiatives for improving the quality supply ofpower were introduced by TSSPDCL such as:Electronic Spot BillingWeb-Enabled Customer Service CentersTie up with e-Seva Centers for Bill PaymentOnline Bill PaymentEBS,MATS,CATVidyut Sadassus, Sub-station wise MeetingHaving electrified 6,489 villages, 5,600 general hamlets, 2,059tribal hamlets, 12,105 Dalit wadas and 5,806 weaker sectionscolonies, TSSPDCL is looking forward to meet many challenges withpromise to deliver quality customer services through innovativeprogrammes.The philosophy of TSSPDCL is to enhance its performance andemerge stronger by the day to offer its customers the best andvalue for money.
Uneha ICT
Online Electricity Bill Payment in BiharNorth Bihar Consumers can pay electricity bill online throughNBPDCL (North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd) and South Biharconsumers through SBPDCL (South Bihar Power Distribution CompanyLtd) websites. At first I would describe the electricity billpayment process for South Bihar Consumers through SBPDCL.Pay Electricity Bill online in South Bihar through SBPDCLEarlier I have already told that consumers belonging to Divisionsin South Bihar can pay Electricity Bill Online through SBPDCL. Theparticular divisions under SBPDCL and NBPDCL are written at last ofthis article. To pay Electricity Bill online in SBPDCL Follow thesteps given below:At first click SBPDCLSelect your Division from dropdown menuWrite your consumer id or account number and click on View &Pay Your Bill.Now you can read and know your electricity bill amount you willhave to pay. From this page you can take a print out of your bill.To make the payment click on Pay Now Button.In the next page Write Bill Amount, Mobile Number or email id andselect Internet Banking & Debit Card – All Popular Banks.Clickon pay.In Next page Select Bank through which you are going to makepayment and write email id and click on Make Payment.Now you will be navigated to the online banking website. Makepayment through the Bank website. All is done.Pay Electricity Bill online in North Bihar through NBPDCLFor Payment of Electricity Bill for North Bihar Divisions throughNBPDCL (North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd) consumers haveto follow the same process as given for SBPDCL. Only WebsiteAddress is different.To pay electricity Bill in Bihar online through NBPDCL
Pgimer Chandigarh Punjab 0.1
Uneha ICT
The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision oflate Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjaband the distinguished medical educationists of the then combinedstate of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt.Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientificknowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage. Theinstitute started in 1962 and Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru inaugurated thehospital now named “Nehru Hospital” on 7th July 1963. The Institutewas originally under the Government of undivided Punjab. After thereorganization of the state, the administrative control of theinstitute passed on to the Union Territory of Chandigarh inNovember 1966. The Institute became an autonomous body under theAct of Parliament in 1967 functioning under the Ministry of Healthand Family Welfare, Government of India, with the followingmandate.Provide high quality patient care.Attain self-sufficiency in postgraduate medical education and tomeet the country’s need for highly qualified medical teachers inall medical and surgical fields.Provide educational facilities for the training of personnel inall-important branches of health activity.Undertake basic community based research.
Bathinda Courts 0.1
Uneha ICT
Earlier in the year 1943, the state of Patialawas stated to have three posts of District and Sessions Judges viz.at Patiala, Sunam and Barnala, but the Headquarters of District andSessions Judge, Barnala, was at Bathinda. District and SessionsJudge, Sunam used to visit Narnaul District quarterly for somedays. In that year "Raja Shiv Dayal Singh" was District andSessions Judge, Patiala and "Shri Kartar Singh Sandhu" was Districtand Sessions Judge, at Bathinda. In Patiala State, the Courts wereof Naib Nazim Faujdari and Naib Nazim Diwani. The Naib Nazim Diwaniwas under the control of District and Sessions Judge while NaibNazim Faujdari was under the control of Nazim (now designated asDeputy Commissioner). Till the disturbances of 1947, the court ofDistrict and Sessions Judge, Bathinda was stated to be held in"Qila Mubarak" and when in 1947, the charge of "Qila Mubarik" wastaken by the Military, the court of District and Sessions Judge,Bathinda, was shifted to the "Muslim High School" and remainedthere upto the year 1954, when it was shifted to Civil Station, oldCourt Complex and at that time Shri Kulbhushan was the District andSessions Judge, Bathinda. Pepsu was formed in 1948 and at that timethere were posts of District and Sessions Judges at Patiala,Sangrur, Bathinda, Kapurthala, Barnala and Fatehgarh Sahib withheadquarters at Bassi Pathana. There was only one post ofAdditional District and Sessions Judge at Bathinda withheadquarters at Faridkot. In Pepsu State, there used to be the postof Additional District Magistrates which now has been designated asChief Judicial Magistrates. The post of "Naib Nazim Faujdari" and"Naib Nazim Diwani" were amalgamated into Sub Judges-cum-JudicialMagistrates. The Old building of Judicial Court Complex in whichthe Judicial Courts were functioning up to 5.3.2010, wasconstructed by Pepsu Government somewhere in the year 1954 in whichsome portion of this building was earlier occupied by the Officersof Excise Taxation etc. Under the Govt. Policy for construction ofUltra Modern Judicial Courts Complexes for the convenience ofpeople in the State of Punjab, a proposal was framed forconstruction of Judicial Courts at Bathinda by dismantling the oldJudicial Courts building. The construction of new Judicial CourtsComplex, Bathinda, which has three Blocks, namely Block-A, Block-Band Block-C with total covered area of 224000 square feet and withthe provision for 18 courts, has been completed. Block-A of courtscomplex is a four storey building consisting of 14 courts and totalcovered area is 149000 Square feet. Block B is also a four storeybuilding consisting of Judicial Service Centre (Suvidha Centre),Canteen, Bar Room and space for bank and commercial shops. Block Cconsists of four newly constructed courtrooms and other rooms. Atpresent this block is a single storey building, with provision forfuture extension by building new storey above it. The judicialcourts have been functioning in the present building (block-A)since 6.3.2010. The provision for separate entries for Public,Employees, Advocates & Judges have been made in this courtcomplex. The Courts Complex at Bathinda is incorporated with thelatest facilities and systems which not only benefits litigants,advocates, staff and general public but also helps in smooth &efficient working of Judicial system. All the courts are airconditioned for the convenience of people coming to the courts. Inaddition to this, provision for Close Circuit T.V. Cameras,Electric Display Panels for showing the case serial numbers whichare taken up for hearing in the courts, Electric Generator Set totackle with problem of Power Cuts, RO system for drinking water forthe litigants/staff/advocates, Fire Alarm system, FireExtinguishers , Mini EPABX Exchange to facilitate the communicationnetwork, LAN and Computer Systems, separate parking spaces forJudges, Advocates and Public.
PUNJAB Utilities 0.5
Uneha ICT
Punjab (Listeni/pʌnˈdʒɑːb/), also speltPanjab, is a state in the northwest of the Republic of India,forming part of the larger Punjab region.The state is bordered bythe Indian states of Himachal Pradesh to the east, Haryana to thesouth and southeast, Rajasthan to the southwest, and the Pakistaniprovince of Punjab to the west. To the north it is bounded by theIndian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The state capital is located inChandigarh, a Union Territory and also the capital of theneighbouring state of Haryana.
MeSH 0.5
Uneha ICT
MeSH BrowserThe MeSH Browser is an online vocabulary look-up aid availablefor use with MeSH® (Medical Subject Headings). It is designed tohelp quickly locate descriptors of possible interest and to showthe hierarchy in which descriptors of interest appear. Virtuallycomplete MeSH records are available, including the scope notes,annotations, entry vocabulary, history notes, allowable qualifiers,etc. The browser does not link directly to any MEDLINE or otherdatabase retrieval system and thus is not a substitute for thePUBMED system.The MeSH Browser points to the newest version of MeSH and so itwill also find new Supplementary Concepts as these are added andupdated weekly.The MeSH Browser may be used to find descriptors, qualifiers, orSupplementary Concepts of interest and see these in relationship toother concepts. The browser is part of the MeSH Web pages. It findsdescriptors of interest without assuming knowledge of theoften-complex vocabulary structure and rules. For example, if youenter male neoplasms as a search, the Browser will display a listof related descriptors including:Breast Neoplasms, Male (a MeSH descriptor)Genital Neoplasms, Male(a MeSH descriptor)Male Breast Neoplasms (an entry term toMeSH)Male Genital Neoplasms (an entry term to MeSH)Etc.The look-up can be restricted or limited with any of thefollowing:•Main Headings•Qualifiers•Supplementary Concepts•All of the AboveSearching for names of chemicals and other SupplementaryConcepts (non-descriptors and non-qualifiers) can be limited to anyof the following fields:•Heading Mapped To (HM) (Supplementary List)•Indexing Information (II) (Supplementary List)•Pharmacological Action (PA)•CAS Registry/EC Number/UNII Code (RN)•Related Registry Number (RR)When a single descriptor has been selected, the complete recordcan then be displayed. Fields or elements within the descriptor arelinked to additional sources such as related Indexing Manualsections, definitions and other similar information.
ICMI 2016 0.5
Uneha ICT
About ICMI 2016On behalf of the Indian Association for Medical Informatics (IAMI),we invite you for 10th IAMI Biennial conference on MedicalInformatics -ICMI2016 at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, from 26th - 28thFebruary 2016
Makeinindia 0.1
Uneha ICT
CONTACT USHOMESECTORSLIVEPROJECTSPOLICIESQUERY/FAQCONTACTUSSEARCHfbtwittergoogle+google+INVESTOR FACILITATION CELLInvest India, Federation House, Tansen MargNew Delhi-110001, IndiaTelephone No: +91-11-2348 7411E-mail: makeinindia@nic.in10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. IST(Monday to Friday)MR. SIDDHARTHA ANANDHead Research & Investment FacilitationMS. SHAILAJA PATHANIAManager Research & Investment FacilitationMS. PRIYA RAWATManager Research & Investment FacilitationMR. DIVAY PRANAVManager Research & Investment FacilitationMR. UDAY MUNJALManager Research & Investment FacilitationMS. VARDA TANEJAManagement TraineeMR. SANDIPAN SENSARMAManagement TraineeMS. PAYAL KALRAManagement Trainee
Himachal Utilities 1.0
Uneha ICT
Register for H.P. State Electricity BoardLtdOnline Services for various subdivisoins, and you'll be able topayyour electricity bills online, anytime. It enables you to:Pay bills without stepping out of your home or officeLink multiple bills to your account and you have no need toremembermultiple K NumbersFast, convenience and hassle-freeAccess to all major banksHimachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd.
Panipat Court 0.2
Uneha ICT
The Courts at Panipat were previouslysituatedat the “Kabri Wali Kothi”. The Court of Additional District&Sessions Judge was set up at Panipat district on 02.05.1990andShri Suresh Chand Jain was the first Additional District&Sessions Judge, of Panipat.New Judical complex was inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr. JusticeMukulMudgal, the then Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana Highcourton 29th August, 2010. The Haryana Govt. declared Panipat asaseparate Sessions Division vide notification no. S.O.119/C.A.2/1974/S.7/2010 dated 16.12.2010. Sh. Kailash Chand Sharma,whoearlier also served as Chief Judicial Magistrate andAdditionalDistrict & sessions Judge-I, Panipat took over thecharge asthe first District & Sessions Judge, Panipatw.e.f.08.04.2011.A Court of Addl. Civil Judge (Sr. Div) at Sub DivisionSamalkhawas inaugurated by Hon'ble Mr. Justice S. K. Mittal on14.03.2014.Ms. Mona Singh who earlier also served as Addl. CivilJudge (Sr.Div) at Sessions Division Panipat took over charge atSamalkha on14.03.2014
Uneha ICT 0.1
Uneha ICT
Mobile health :- bringing healthrelatedinformation to population with special focus on old ageppl(geriatrics)bringing ICT revolution to Indian masses in field of healthfinanceand utilities
Uneha ICT
Functions of AIIMSUndergraduate and postgraduate teaching in medical andrelatedphysical biological sciences.Nursing and dental educationInnovations in education.Producing medical teachers for the country.Research in medical and related sciences.Health care : preventive, promotive and curative; primary,secondary& tertiary.Community based teaching and research
Indian Courts Causelists 0.1
Uneha ICT
Ever since NIC took up computerization inSupreme Court in 1990, many applications have been computerizedwhich have impact on masses i.e. litigants. Following are some ofthe applications which have been successfully implemented atSupreme Court and 18 High Courts and these applications have eitherdirect or indirect impact on the masses .Supreme Court of IndiaList of Business Information System (LOBIS) :It is about scheduling of cases to be heard by the courts on thefollowing day. It enabled the Registries of Supreme Court and HighCourts in eliminating manual process of Cause List generation thusany manipulation by vested interests. These databases containdetails of fresh cases, disposed and pending cases. It is thebackbone application of every Court.Impact :As Cause Lists are generated automatically by the computer manualintervention has been eliminated resulting in generation of CauseList in time with out any hassleCases are listed strictly in chronological order of date of filing;eliminated irregularitiesAll cases having the same law point(s) to be decided by the courtsare bunched/grouped and posted before one bench. This has helpedthe courts in faster disposal of cases.It has become simpler to recall dismissed cases when reviewpetitions are filed.On the spot reliable and instantaneous statistical reports aregeneratedIt has helped Registry of Supreme Court in streamlining its day today activities to achieve one of the main objectives of COURTISProjectFiling Counter ComputerizationIn the Supreme Court of India and all High Courts fresh cases arefiled only before the computerized Filing Counters. As theadvocates stand in queue for Filing cases before the counters, thedata entry Operator enters preliminary details required forRegistration such as Party names, advocate details, etc. Thecomputer terminal at the query counter is used to attend to thequarries of the litigants on the spot. The defects, if any, arelisted out and handed over to the litigants/advocates forrectification. Time limitation is also checked by the systemautomatically.
UNA Courts H.P 0.1
Uneha ICT
HISTORYThe present Una district untill 1st November, 1966 was one ofthetehsils of the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab. As a resultofreorganization of Punjab in 1966, hill areas including Unatehsilwas transferred to Himachal Pradesh. Eversince, untillSeptember,1972 it continued to remain a tehsil of the then Kangradistrict.On the 1st September, 1972 on reorganization of districtsinHimachal Pradesh, Una and Hamirpur districts were carved outofKangra district. Una district consists of two Sub-Divisions(Unaand Amb), three Tehsils (Bangana, Amb and Una) and twoSub-Tehsils(Haroli and Bharwain). There was a permanent court ofSub Judge,Una under the District & Sessions Judge, Hoshiarpur,Punjabw.e.f. 1935 and prior to that as well. Initially there wasoneDistrict & Sessions Judge for Hamirpur and Una districtsw.e.f.1.9.1972 to 31.12.1984. The court of District & SessionsJudge,Una was created w.e.f. 1.1.1985. Presently, besides the courtofDistrict & Sessions Judge, there are two other AppellateCourtsof Additional District & Sessions Judge and AdditionalDistrict& Sessions Judge (Fast Track Court) at Una. All theAppellateCourts are housed in the ground floor of combined officesbuildingat Una. In the Subordinate Judiciary, there are five courtsat Unacomprising the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-CivilJudge(Senior Division)-cum-Rent Controller and fourJudicialMagistrates-cum-Civil Judges (JuniorDivision)-cum-RentControllers. Apart from them, JudicialMagistrate-cum-Civil Judge(Jr.Divn.), Barsar is also holdingCircuit Court at Una for a weekevery month. All these courts arehoused in the new Judicialcomplex at Una. Two courts of JudicialMagistrates-cum-Civil Judges(Junior Division)-cum-Rent Controllersare at Amb (Unadistrict).